Blerdy Otome Monthly Recap – January 2021

Hey there Blerdy Tribe, we’ve successfully completed the first chapter of 2021! The new year brings with it the promise of brand new opportunities and I hope everyone is having a great go of it so far! I have some amazing things planned for you all in the coming year and I want to thank you all for continuing to read and support me and this site! You guys are the real MVPs. So before we dive into February, lets look back at the month of January here at Blerdy Otome!

Favorite January Posts

otome elitism

Elitism in the otome games community has been the bane of the fandom since the beginning and I’m tired of folks bashing otome game localizations and Western fans of the genre. It seems like every time a new otome game localization is announced, folks who have played these games in the original language seem to crawl out of the dark recesses of the internet to find fault with the as of yet UNRELEASED localization. As a Western otome fan who doesn’t have a working knowledge of the Japanese language these new localizations give me and others like me a chance to experience otome games that otherwise we’d never get a chance to play.

Shut Up and Let Me Enjoy My Otome: Elitism in the Otome Games Community

Diverse Games to Keep an Eye Out for in 2021 Blerdy Otome

Hey Blerdy Tribe! It’s a brand spankin’ new year and you know what that means… new game releases!! But, if you’ve been around for awhile you know that there is one thing that I look for in my games: REPRESENTATION! As a black female gamer, I am always on the look out for games created by and featuring characters of color and of course that sweet, sweet LGBTQIA rep! The gaming community is made up of all sorts of people, so don’t you think the games we play should be representative of the people that play them? Well, I do! And I’ve made it my mission here at Blerdy Otome to create a space where we celebrate diverse games and creators. Every Monday I spotlight one game that tell stories centering on characters of color or from the LGBTQIA community.

Diverse Games to Keep an Eye Out for in 2021

Blog Posts from January

Thrifty Gaming 

Game Reviews



Otome News

Instagram Fave Post

Of all my social media accounts, Instagram is where I’m most active. So, here is my favorite Instagram post from January!

From Around the Reader

I’ve been taking time out to read posts from my fellow bloggers here on WordPress and these are some of the posts that I most enjoyed this month!! I highly recommend giving each of these posts a read and maybe check out some of their other posts as well!

Otome Games I Still Need to Finish – Feminine Frenzy (Mandy)

How I Treated My Anime? A Way?Lita Kino Anime Corner (Lita Kino)

Visual Kei at the Movies – Moon Child – Phoenix Talks Pop Culture in Japan (RisefromAshes)

Inner Beauty, A Wholesome BL Webcomic by Fairytale – A Nerdy Fujo Cries (Crimson)

Episode One-Derland: Red Garden – Anime Madhouse (Fiddletwix)

Thank You for Your Support!!

A lot of what I do here on Blerdy Otome is because of the support of all of you amazing readers–whether it’s your encouraging words on Twitter, liking a post or just sharing my posts with others, you guys are the real MVPS ! It’s no secret that buying games and manga for reviews puts a strain on my wallet and while I love what I do, a little extra help goes a long way!

Kofi Supporters Jan

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4 thoughts on “Blerdy Otome Monthly Recap – January 2021

Gush about cute otome boys~

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