September 30 Day Haikyuu Challenge Announcement!!

Hey, hey Heroes and Travelers, this will be a quick post. Yesterday I made a very short, blink and you’d miss it announcement that I’d be undertaking the 30 Day Haikyuu Challenge during the month of September!! Why September? Well, not only is September my birthday month, but it’s also the birthday month of my absolute favorite Karasuno team member, Tsukishima Kei!! Also, if you didn’t already know, I’m a huge fan of Haikyuu, so this is really just an excuse for me to fangirl about the series for the umpteenth time!!

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So for 30 days (starting on September 1st) expect a whole lot of Haikyuu love coming your way! But, if you have to blame someone for this thirty day Haikyuu extravaganza, thank the lovely Mel from over at Mel in Animeland, since she is the person that brought this challenge to my attention!

What do you think about the announcement? Are you excited to see my responses to the prompts? Do you think I can finish it in the 30 days allotted by the challenge? Let me know what you think in the comments section. Somehow I feel like this is going to be a long month! As always, THANK YOU for reading!!!


6 thoughts on “September 30 Day Haikyuu Challenge Announcement!!

  1. YAY! I’m excited!! I’ll have to wait another month or two to start this challenge, and also the KnB challenge.. haha! Wonder if there’s a yowamushi pedal one…hmm..*goes to internet*

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