Thrifty Gaming: Games That Won’t Blow Your Budget #39

Hey there Heroes, Travelers, and Wandering NPCs it’s 2020 and how about we start the year off right with some thrifty game buys!! It’s been awhile since the last one of these, but I definitely want to keep this going, because I know what it’s like to be ballin’ on a budget and it’s even harder when there are all these great games out there just begging to be bought. So, I created Thrifty Gaming in order to spotlight some lesser known indie titles that are both entertaining an affordable.

If you’re a new follower or someone who has been following since my Nice Job Breaking It Hero days who’s been gone for awhile, here’s a refresher… Thrifty Gaming, is a weekly post series where I spotlight three games/visual novels that are under $10.00. These can be mobile games, PC games, and a few times I have found some nice indie console titles too. The list used to focus on just otome games and romance visual novels, but after requests from a few readers I have since expanded to other gaming genres. I don’t include sales or limited time offers, each title has to be consistently priced at $10.00 or less without any promotions to be included in this line up. 


Note, these are not reviews, rather recommendations so your mileage may vary with some of these titles. This week’s post will include a brief synopsis and links to each game so you can add them to your gaming library! You don’t have to break the bank to enjoy your hobbies, so save a little bread and check this week’s thrifty gaming picks!

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Pink Hibiscus (2020) – Kira Kira Studios

Cost: FREE

Windows, Mac, Linux

Welcome to Pink Hibiscus! A visual novel game by Kira Kira Studios where you play as Quinn, a young and tired college student developing relationships with the 3 closest people in their lives!


Pink Hibiscus is a short slice-of-life romance visual novel from indie development team, Kira Kira Studios. Play as college student Quinn as she navigates the ups and downs of life while also pursuing/being pursued by three love interests. Like most western romance titles, players have the option of romancing a variety of love interests—one female, one male, and one non-binary. Pink Hibiscus features original art and backgrounds and about 2-3 hours of solid gameplay.

Andromeda Six (2019)Wanderlust Games

Cost: FREE

Windows, Mac, & Linux

Set in the year 3025, you take on the role of a lost traveler. With no memory of your past, you wake up on the starship, Andromeda Six, surrounded by its crew of outcasts, each with their own vivid backstory and one common goal.

You must try to recover the pieces of your past to uncover your true identity and purpose, while learning to survive the political turmoil overtaking the galaxy after its recent terrorist attacks.

On your journey you may end up discovering more than what you bargained for, but can you handle the truth of your past or will it end up consuming you? Will you follow the destiny the stars have written for you, or forge a new path?


Andromeda Six is an episodic cyberpunk LGBTQIA positive visual novel from indie development studio Wanderlust Studios. There is currently only one chapter (the second is in production) and there is a planned total of 10 chapters for this game. In Andromeda Six you have the ability to play as a male, female, or non-binary protagonist known as the Traveler, with the option to choose from three different species to identify as in the game—Tilaari, Human,  or Kitalphan. Each species offers a unique background and characteristics that will define your character as you navigate the events of the game. Like most western titles, Andromeda Six features a diverse cast of characters to interact with, including several characters of color and LGBTQIA positive LIs.

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Faerie Afterlight (2019) – Clay Game Studios

Cost: FREE


It is all written in the book of light. There was a prosperous land named Lumina. This land blessed with glorious light and peace. Far above, there was a source of light called Lucentia protected by million fairies. It grants the power of light that sustaining any living form on the world below. But one day, the dark power once arise and try to destroy Lucentia.

The dark evil named Kradyrev was thrived to blow the source of light into pieces. The evil was gone. But the world below became precarious and braced with darkness. Wispy, a young fairy, tried to chase a large piece of Lucentia but ended up falling to the underworld of Lumina. Then he met Kimo, a little mythical creature that is always alone in the bottom world. They later became friends and continue the journey to find other pieces of Lucentia. Nobody knows what would it be the land of Lumina without the light power of Lucentia. But it is also written in the book that the Hero of Light will come to save the world from eternal darkness.


Faerie Afterlight is a Platformer-Metroidvania video game that allows the player to control two different characters, Kimo and Wispy, simultaneously. The second character helps the main character by interacting with the game world and controlling enemies. Solve unique puzzles and interact with the beautiful atmospheric world, and perform basic platformer actions as you take down enemies and explore the various locales. You can also upgrade your characters and earn new skills/abilities to help you on your journey.

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That’s it for this week’s thrifty buys, but, don’t worry I’ll have more titles for in next week’s post, so be on the look out for that next Thursday! But, if all that extra money you saved is burning a hole in your pocket and you just can’t wait for next week’s list, definitely check out some of my previous Thrifty Gaming posts, there are tons of games for gamers who like me are ballin’ on a budget!

Thank you for reading and Supporting Blerdy Otome! If you like what you see be sure to drop a like or a comment to let me know your thoughts on this week’s Thrifty Picks!!


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Gush about cute otome boys~

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