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Quick Update – I’m a Finalist in the*gameHERs Awards

Hey Hey Blerdy Tribe! These last few months have been kind of crazy on my end, but in a good way! I’ve been getting my Twitch channel off the ground and I recently started a Discord server to connect with folks away from this site and Twitch–which means content here on Blerdy Otome has been kinda sporadic. I’m slowly finding a good rhythm for everything so I should be back on track next week-ish.

But, today I wanted to share some exciting news with you all! If you follow my socials you probably already know, but around the end of August I found out I was nominated for one of the*GameHERs Awards.

What is the*gameHERS?

Well, the*gameHERs is a women-led community dedicated to amplifying and centering the voices of women and femme-identifying people of marginalized genders in the gaming industry.  Each year they host The*gameHERs Awards, the only awards show in gaming created BY women FOR women.

I was nominated for the Top Journalist of the Year award in their Content Creation category and y’all I’m not gonna lie it blew my mind, because I’m just me, I don’t feel like I do anything special, I just write about the games I love. And for me and my tiny corner of the internet to be included among so many talented and prolific industry folks is seriously crazy! Last month there was a vote to see who would make it through to the finals–honestly just being nominated is a huge honor–but, I found out yesterday that I am one of the folks to make the cut and move on to the finals!

I’m still kind of processing the fact that I made the top 5 out of 36 amazing creators for the Top Journalist award. But, I need your help, voting for the winner is now under way and it would be super special awesome if you could vote for me. It just takes a few minutes and every vote counts! Voting for the winners begins today, October 11, and ends on October 25, 2021 at 11:59 PM EST. Please cast your vote here:!

As always thank you all for being super special awesome!

Thank you for reading and supporting Blerdy Otome!

If you like what you see consider giving me a follow! 

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