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Nice Job Breaking It, Hero is 1 Years Old Today!!

Hello Heroes and Travelers, I have a huge announcement to make… Nice Job Breaking It, Hero is 1 years old today!

It was one year ago today that I started Nice Job Breaking It, Hero! When I started this blog, I was in my final year of graduate school writing my umpteenth infectious disease research paper…

I’m finishing up my final year of my Masters in Global Health, which means I do a lot of research writing. Mostly about infectious disease, health policy, advocacy, and other public health stuff. Don’t get me wrong I love the health field, especially mental health in developing countries, but sometimes you just need a break! So I started this blog as a way to appease my inner procrastinator. I often get really distracted when I have assignments, the bigger the paper the worse it is, so I came up with a brilliant plan! The idea was that as long as I was going to procrastinate on that important research proposal, I might as well do something semi-productive….I mean procrastinating is fine as long as I’m writing about something.

(Excerpt from my Blogger Recognition post)

I started this blog on a whim, so I never imagined that one year later, not only would I still be writing posts for this blog, but that my little exercise in procrastination would have grown so much! If you have been with me since the beginning, you know that Nice Job Breaking It, Hero looks nothing like it did back then… not even close… To be honest this blog was all over the place back then, there was no rhyme or reason, I just posted what I wanted when I wanted. But, I stuck with it and eventually it became the controlled chaos it is today and I couldn’t be more proud of it! But, this isn’t the end, far from it… both me and the blog have more growing to do and I can’t wait to see where this blogging journey takes me in the future!

So in celebration of my 1 Year Blogging Anniversary, here are 5 Things I Learned in My Year of Blogging:

Number 1: Talk to people!

Chatting with other bloggers is encouraged! I can’t stress this rule enough!! Whether you do it on WordPress, Tumblr, or Twitter, make sure you get out there and introduce yourself to people! I know for some the idea of messaging people can be nerve wracking… I remember my hands used to shake every time I tried to comment on other people’s posts. The fear of rejection was real… But, for the most part the bloggers in the WordPress community are super nice and very welcoming to new bloggers. So don’t be afraid to shoot them a line and say hello, you never know a short message can lead to some amazing friendships!!

Also to all my lurkers and stalkers: I’ve been there! We’ve all been there and you know what it’s A-OK in my book! Hell, I still do it lol! But, remember don’t be afraid to reach out, I love chatting with you guys and I promise I don’t bite!

Number 2: Blogging takes time!

You aren’t going to be an internet sensation overnight… blogging takes time. You probably aren’t going to get 100+ views on your first post (at least not without following rule number 1), so don’t get discouraged when your posts aren’t getting noticed right away. Instead work on building your blog! Write more posts, create a nice cushion of content so that when people do stumble upon your blog they have something to actually look at!

It took forever for my daily viewership to increase from the single digits to the double and now (sometimes) triple digits. It’s actually funny but my most popular post is one of my very first posts, So I kinda sorta like yaoi…and by “like” I mean LOVE!. I remember when no one was reading that post and now not a day goes by where someone isn’t reading it… and I still can’t figure out why…

Number 3: Never limit yourself!

The worst thing you can do is limit yourself while blogging! Never box yourself into a corner, because blogging is a growing experience. For the first few months of blogging I was throwing everything at the wall and hoping that something, anything would stick… and you know what, it worked! Sure my blog is mostly about otome games, but I don’t limit myself to just that! I write about anime, manga, books, movies… Sometimes I don’t even write about any of those things. Remember it’s your blog do whatever you want with it, write for YOU!

Number 4: Feedback is always good!

Ah, feedback…sometimes it’s good and sometimes it’s not so great, but all feedback is good! Actually instead of butchering this here’s a link to an awesome post about handling internet criticism! But, seriously use feedback to your advantage, poll your readers and ask them questions… learn from it and GROW!


Number 5: Have Fun!

Have fun! Blogging is meant to be fun, this isn’t meant to be a chore so don’t treat it like one! Go out make friends, write what you love, and grow! Don’t worry about what other people think, as long as you enjoy blogging then everything is OKAY! Blogging has been one of the most fun hobbies that I have ever picked up and oddly enough, it’s kind of therapeutic…

Also, don’t get caught up in all the stats and blog popularity measures… writing solely for views is a pain in the ass and I DON’T recommend doing it!

Finally, last but not least before I wrap up this post, I want to say…


I wouldn’t be where I am right now without the love and support I have received from all of you in the WordPress Community! You guys are the absolute best, your comments and encouragement have made blogging so much fun and worthwhile… and I can’t thank you guys enough!

After all of the blood, sweat, tears, writer’s blocks, computer fails, typos, rants, ramblings, reviews, and finger cramps… You guys have been there with me through thick and thin and for that I am extremely grateful! I still remember the first bloggers to reach out to me on WordPress (and you guys know who you are), your kind words really helped me out so much in the beginning and made me feel so at home and welcome! I am so glad that I decided to start my blogging journey on WordPress with you guys!

I have made some amazing friends and acquaintances through blogging and I can’t wait to continue this blogging journey with you all far into the future!

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