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Thrifty Gaming: Games That Won’t Blow Your Budget #115

Thrifty Gaming

It’s been awhile since the last Thrifty Gaming postsorry! But, I’m back with more thrifty game buys for gamers on a budget! Every penny counts, and you shouldn’t have to go broke for your hobbies, so here are three games under $10 that you can add to your play list!

Note, these are not reviews, rather recommendations so your mileage may vary with some of these titles. This week’s post will include a brief synopsis and links to each game so you can add them to your gaming library! You don’t have to break the bank to enjoy your hobbies, so save a little bread and check out this week’s thrifty gaming picks!

This post contains affiliate links. Any purchases made by clicking on one of my affiliate links earns me a small commission that goes back towards keeping the site running. Your support is greatly appreciated!

Intertwine – Crescence Studio

Name Your Own Price

A recurring dream. A flash of deja vu. An undeniable connection.

Some say these are remnants of our past lives—echoes of the memories we’ve made in centuries past. When I ran into you on that fateful day…

I started to believe them.

Pearlglow Cafe – Studio Ghost Legs

Name Your Own Price

Near the edges of a seaside town, where salty breezes kiss skin and a radiant sun shines on the horizon, an enchanting café emerges… Owned and operated by a spirited young witch, every pastry she serves has a singular purpose: to spread boundless joy and compassion throughout the world.

Enter the world of Pearlglow Café and guide Juniper as she embarks on a charming journey filled with new beginnings, gentle romances, and delectably magical treats!

Karamu – Chattercap

Name Your Own Price

Two weeks ago, Nelli sent her long-term boyfriend, Raku, the following text: “I’m breaking up with you.” She has been successfully avoiding him ever since…until her bike chain breaks. He helps her, but now she’s trapped in a forest with only her broken bike, a cellphone with no reception, and her slightly creepy ex-boyfriend for company. He wants to talk, and one thing is clear: he really doesn’t want to break up. (He probably won’t take no for an answer.)

Ballin’ on a budget? Check out these thrifty picks!

That’s it for this week’s thrifty buys, but, don’t worry I’ll have more titles for in next week’s post, so be on the look out for that next ThursdayBut, if all that extra money you saved is burning a hole in your pocket and you just can’t wait for next week’s list, definitely check out some of my previous Thrifty Gaming posts, there are tons of games for gamers who like me are ballin’ on a budget!

Thank you for reading and Supporting Blerdy Otome! If you like what you see be sure to drop a like or a comment to let me know your thoughts on this week’s Thrifty Picks!!

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