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OWLS May “Happiness” Blog Tour: Finding Happiness in the Little Things

Hey Hey Heroes, Travelers, and Wandering NPCs, it’s May and with it comes another OWLS Blog Tour! Last month during our Masculinity Blog Tour we looked at the meaning of the term while also celebrating the amazing accomplishments of women. This month we’re looking at the other end of the spectrum with our May Happiness Blog Tour! If you haven’t already be sure to check out Karandi’s and Jack’s posts from earlier this monthon their blogs!

Happiness is subjective. We all have different definitions of what happiness means to us and we also feel happiness in varying degrees. This month we will be exploring several questions describing our happiness in our fandoms, communities, and hobbies. Why do we find enjoyment watching anime or reading manga? Why did we decide to join the anime or pop culture communities?  Why do we blog about our hobbies or cosplay as our favorite characters? This topic is all about the passions we have for our interests and why they are important to us.

May 2019 Happiness Blog Tour Prompt

I was unsure of how I was going to tackle this month’s blog tour topic, like the prompt states, ‘happiness’ is a subjective concept that takes on different meanings for each person. For some, happiness is being surrounded by friends and family, while for others happiness is the solitude of a quiet nook with warm blankets and a good book. But, what does happiness mean to me? If you ask me one day it’s successfully completing a crochet project or getting a new blazer. Other days, happiness is being able to pay my rent on time or just having a seat on a train.

So, rather than doing my usual OWLS post, I wanted to talk about three moments of happiness I’ve experienced this year.

Finishing A New Blanket Pattern

My mother taught me how to crochet years ago, at first I started with small things, scarves and hats mostly. But, over the years I took on bigger projects like blankets and dolls, I even opened up my own Etsy store, Blerdy Girl Crafts, where I sell some of the items I make. Crocheting has been a part of my life for a long time, but, one thing I always have trouble with are finishing blankets. I start them all the time, but after a while I lose interest or something else comes up and I never get around to finishing them.

But, recently, I’ve been making a conscious effort to finish what I start, even if it takes me months to do it. Back in March I saw a pattern for a Beans and Bobbles Blanket, there were at least four stitches used in the blanket, which is way more than I’ve ever attempted in a project before. And seeing as I can’t read written patterns, I had to rely on video tutorials. It took me about two months, four series on Netflix, and some cramped fingers, but, I managed to finish the blanket and it turned out so much better than I could have ever dreamed!

Took Up Reading Again

I realized that since I’ve been out of school I haven’t been reading for pleasure like I used to. I used to read all the time when I was younger, the Harry Potter series was my first love and I remember begging my mom to go to the library and the bookstore every week. But, as I got older, I stopped reading for fun. I have bins full of unread books and while cleaning my room for the new year I made up my mind to start reading again. But, finding time between my 9-5, writing reviews, hanging out with friends, and crocheting, there just wasn’t all that much time for reading. So, I came up with a brilliant idea, rather than playing Solitare on my phone during my commute to work I could read instead.

So for the past few months, I’ve taken to carrying around books in my bag and reading them on the train, which depending on my commute gives me about an hour of reading time each day. I’ve even gone out of my comfort zone a bit with my book selections… I’m really into these detective/mystery novels. I just finished, The Couple Next Door by Shari Lapena and it literally had me on the edge of my seat from start to finish. I’m even considering picking up more of her books in the near future… and John Lescroart’s stuff is really growing on me too, The Ophelia Cut was phenomenal!

Getting Back into Blogging

I took a bit of a break from blogging (and gaming for that matter) to deal with some minor real life setbacks, and I’m not gonna lie I really missed it. I really had a lot of fun coming up with new post ideas and writing reviews for this blog and while I needed the break, I really wanted to get back to it again. There’s something really great about sharing your thoughts and opinions with people who also like the same things you do. I’ve made some great friends while blogging and had some great conversations about otome games, anime, and manga, and I wouldn’t trade this experience for anything in the world.

Sometimes it can be a bit frustrating when you work really hard on a post and it doesn’t seem to get much activity, but, over the years I’ve learned that the stats don’t really matter as much as long as I’m happy with what I wrote. Blogging is as much for me as it is for my readers, it’s therapeutic getting my thoughts out, whether I liked something or I hated it…

It’s All About the Little Things

Happiness isn’t just one thing, it’s a combination of the little things, the everyday things that bring us joy, whether that’s writing, working, or watching anime. For me, enjoying my hobbies and talking with friends and family (both online and off) are what make my life that much more fun!

So, I want to turn things over to you guys… What are some things that make you happy? Just let me know down in the comments section, I really want to hear from you guys!!

That’s my take on the Happiness Blog Tour! I hope you enjoyed my post, but, I’m just one in a long line of OWLS blog tour stops! Be sure to check out Matt at Matt-in-the-Hat post on the 16th! Also if you haven’t already, please subscribe to the Official OWLS Twitter account @OWLSbloggers and the Official OWLS Blog, to stay up to date on all OWLS news and announcements!

If you are interested in becoming a member of the OWLS team, please feel free to fill out the contact form, HERE! So don’t be afraid to reach out to any of us on our blogs, on twitter, or at the contact page to learn more about us!! You just need an open mind and a willingness to have fun! Catch you guys on the flipside! 


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