[New Post Series] Bite-Sized Reviews- Intro Post

Time has not been on my side lately, so I haven’t been able to dedicate as much time as I’d like to gaming. On top of that writing full game reviews take a lot of time and effort, which I’m kind of short on right now…  So, I came up with a solution: Bite-Sized Game Reviews. These will be much shorter and less formal than my existing reviews (Full Reviews, Individual Route Reviews, and First Thoughts), which will hopefully mean that I can post more regularly… in theory, I make no promises.

So, what are Bite-Sized reviews? Well, they are similar to what I do with my First Thoughts and Impressions posts, except they will be significantly shorter, two or three paragraphs (at the most), maybe even bullet points, nothing fancy, I’ll just hit the important points, give my two cents and that’s about it, pretty self explanatory. These are meant to be snacks, just enough to give you a good idea of what the game is about, without all the nitty gritty analysis bits.

Now, I won’t do these for every single game I play, these are mostly for the games I know I have no intention of finishing anytime soon. So rather than having you guys wait for a review that I may or may not write, you can nibble on these little tidbits… Yeah, it’s kind of a cop out, but if it means more consistent content, then it’s alright in my book.

I know I’m literally springing this on you guys at the last possible moment, but procrastination is a way of life. As a consolation of sorts, I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to announce the first Bite-Sized Review game…. *drumroll* Liar: Office Deception! Yeah, I do pay attention to your emails, DMs, and comments….

But, that’s it for this announcement! Be on the look out for the first official Bite-Sized Review later on this week and catch you guys on the flip side!

What do you think of the new review series? Think it could be helpful or should I just focus on writing full game reviews? Do you have a game suggestion? Wanna chat? Drop a line in the comments section (I promise, I don’t bite…much). As always THANK YOU FOR READING!! 


6 thoughts on “[New Post Series] Bite-Sized Reviews- Intro Post

  1. That’s a very good idea. Time is always a factor. I’m noticing it myself as well. There are times that I just can’t find enough time to do things. So this is really a great idea. Looking forward to these 😊

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